IsshinkaiEnbukai2024 - Isshinryu Karate

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Isshinkai Enbukai
The 2024 Enbukai will be the first live “in-person” Enbukai since 2019 (pre-pandemic). We are excited to have our Isshinkai family back together for a weekend of training, learning, celebrating our friendship and most of all honoring Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei and Advincula Sensei.
Saturday, March 16th & Sunday, March 17th, 2024  9am-4pm
Welcome Party Friday, March 15th 8:00pm Hotel Lounge
The Holiday Inn Carlsbad
2725 Palomar Airport Road
Carlsbad, CA 92009
(760) 438-2725
$70/day by March 1st, $80/day after March 1st  Registration
If we collect more than is needed to cover the cost of the enbukai the additional funds will be gifted to Sensei and Michie San.
We have arranged for everything to be held in one venue, The Holiday Inn Carlsbad. A block of rooms has been reserved at a group rate for Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday. The group name is "2024 Isshinkai Enbukai" Link
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