Alessa Natale - Isshinryu Karate

Isshinryu Karate
71 Kings Road
Madison, NJ 07940
(908) 955-3003
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Alessa Natale

About Us > Our Instructors
Alessa Natale

Alessa Natale began her training in 2000 at the Madison Karate Academy and has been assisting at classes since receiving her Shodan (1st degree black belt) in 2007 and teaching at camp since 2010. In 2015, she became the instructor for the combined Juniors/Middles class on Fridays. Outside of the dojo, Alessa is an aspiring psychologist with research interests in all areas of human performance. Miss Natale currently holds the rank of Sandan (3rd degree black belt) in Isshinryu Karate.

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