Ann Stachenfeld - Isshinryu Karate

Isshinryu Karate
71 Kings Road
Madison, NJ 07940
(908) 955-3003
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Ann Stachenfeld

About Us > Our Instructors
Ann Stachenfeld

Ann Stachenfeld has trained in Isshinryu karate since our first dojo’s opening in September 1998 in Chatham. She realized her lifetime dream of earning her black belt in 2003 and currently holds the rank of Yondan (4th degree). Ms. Stachenfeld has been working with children in karate since she was a green belt in 2000 and now instructs beginner and intermediate children on Thursdays. Not unusual for our dojo, Ms. Stachenfeld’s two adult daughters grew up training here as well and sharing karate is a wonderful part of their family life. Ms. Stachenfeld has also trained in Mas Oyama’s Karate and Tae Kwon Do, competed in triathlons, and practices Pilates. Having lived in Japan, she enjoys bringing cultural aspects related to karate into her lessons and creating fun, high-energy classes.

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